By making use of our modern manufacturing facilities, we manufacture an array of heat recovery steam generator. These are widely used in various application areas including combined-cycle power station, cogeneration plants and in diesel engine combined cycle power plants. Our range helps to recover heat from a hot gas stream. It generates steam that can be used in a process or used to drive a steam turbine. As per the specifications of clients, we offer customized solutions for our assortment.
Construction :
Shell and tube type construction / Water tube construction.
Capacity :
1,000 kgs/hr to 20,000 kgs/hr
Working pressure :
10.54 Kgs/cm2 to 87 Kgs/cm2

The HRSG can be designed of Shell and tube type and also water tube type depending on the gas composition, mass and temperature.
Convective Superheater and Economiser integrated in the system.
The heating surface area calculated to give optimum output and help in maximum absorption of heat.
The residence time for Gases in the HRSG is optimised for effective heat recovery and excellent performance.
Due to moderate pressure drop on flue gas side, there is less back pressure on Gas source.
Very high water holding capacity and maintains good thermal inertia. Hence fluctuating load handled efficiently.
Due to bigger shell diameter, steam volume is more. Hence better steam quality.
Provision of inbuilt moisture separator ensures dry saturated steam going to super heater section and decreases the load on super heater section.